The National Center for Mental Health Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital Bogor is a hospital that is a national referral center for psychiatric and drug services.
Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Hospital is a national referral center for mental health services. Founded during the Dutch colonial era on July 1, 1882, it was known as Hetkrankzinnigengestich Buitenzorg. Socio-economic and political changes in Indonesia have greatly influenced the continuity of government organizations, including Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. These changes can have an impact on the organizational structure and the status and position of the organization. Dr. Hospital H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor must prepare oneself with the available options, but the most important thing that must be done is to achieve independence in providing and managing resources so that the continuity of the organization can be maintained. The potential of material resources and human resources at Marzoeki Mahdi can be explored to increase the revenue needed for the continuity of the organization. Increasing the utilization of existing resources is an alternative option that must be tried to increase hospital income. This can be done by changing the perspective, so that government organizations that were previously bureaucratic become organizations that have an entrepreneurial nature. Marzoeki Bogor Hospital has a land area of 578,765 m2 and a building area of 26,862 m2. The bed capacity is recorded at 640 beds (TT), the distribution of beds based on services consists of psychiatric inpatient 483 TT, drug addiction recovery inpatient 97 TT and general inpatient 138 TT, while based on class consists of VIP and Main classes 45 TT (6.27 %), class I 57 TT (7.10 %), class II 57 TT (7.94 %), class III 373 TT (51.95 %) and special class 194 TT (26.94 %) . In the future, hospitals are expected to grow into organizations that prioritize professionalism in all fields. Professionalism will improve quality, become effective and efficient so that it will increase hospital productivity or performance. This is very necessary to deal with rapidly changing and uncertain situations.
The superior service at RS.dr.H.Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor is PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION Psychosocial rehabilitation is a process that facilitates opportunities for people who experience weaknesses, disabilities and limitations due to mental disorders, to achieve optimal function in the community.
Kembaren, L. 2016. Psychopharmacology and Psychosocial Rehabilitation to Achieve Recovery in Indonesia. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016, p.90 Psychopharmacology and Psychosocial Rehabilitation to Achieve Recovery in Indonesia Lahargo Kembaren Psychosocial Rehabilitation Department, Marzoeki Mahdi Mental Hospital, Bogor, Indonesia Abstract After Indonesia's Mental Health Law, approved by parliament in 2014, then began the movement of mental health services in Indonesia. Rehabilitation is one of the mental health efforts that must be done in the context of the patient's recovery. Mahdi Marzoeki mental hospital in Bogor is the oldest psychiatric hospital in Indonesia which has a hospital-based and community-based psychosocial rehabilitation program. Some programs are carried out in the hospital include: psychoeducation, social skills training, cognitive remediation, vocational training, art, music, sports and spiritual. Mahdi Marzoeki mental hospitals also developed a psychosocial rehabilitation services, community-based, namely: ACT (assertive community treatment), case management, mental health alert village, rehabilitation and community-based institutions. These programs are expected to perform continuous rehabilitation services from the hospital to the community, the revolving door phenomenon can be rapidly reduced and many patients can recover and become productive again. Psychopharmacology as one of therapies for mental disorders also has a role for recovery. Combination between psychopharmacology and rehabilitation is superior to achieve recovery. The results of the survey that have been conducted in the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit show that typical antipsychotic combined with psychosocial rehabilitation increases the GAF (Global Assessment and Functioning) score of the day care patients. Key words: psychosocial rehabilitation, psychopharmacology, recovery Source:
Psychosocial. This network is used as a referral channel to obtain psychosocial rehabilitation services or distribution referrals. The network includes: Referral Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital Fatmawati Central General Hospital Dr M Goenawan Partowidigdo Lung Hospital Cisarua Bogor Dharmais Cancer Hospital Harapan Kita Heart and Blood Vessel Hospital PMI Bogor Hospital Azra Hospital Dramaga Medika Hospital, Bogor Azra Hospital Sentosa Hospital RSAU dr. M Hasan Toto Atang Senjaya Air Base Melania Hospital Bogor Islamic Hospital Leuwiliang Regional General Hospital Karya Bhakti Pratiwi Hospital Bogor Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Health Hospital Sentosa Hospital BMC Mayapada Hospital Bogor City Regional General Hospital Bhayangkara Hospital TK IV Hospital 03.07.02. Salak Bogor Permata Jonggol Hospital Mulia Pajajaran Hospital Vania Hospital Hermina Hospital Depok EMC Sentul Hospital UMMI Hospital Couples Mother and Child Hospital PMI Hospital Bogor City Addendum to PMI Bogor City Hospital RSIA Mother Suryatni Melania Hospital Permata Cibubur Hospital Hermina Bogor Hospital public health Office Karawang District Health Service Department of Health/ Depok City Government Health Service/Bekasi District Government Health Service/ Bekasi City Government Tangerang District Health Service Health Service/Bogor City Government Tangerang City Health Service Sumedang District Health Service Bogor City Health Service South Tangerang City Health Service Education and Research STIKes Darul Azhar Batulicin STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya Yatna Yuana Lebak Nursing Academy Binawan University Bachelor of Psychology Study Program Binawan University Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program Binawan University Bachelor of Nutrition Study Program Binawan University Bachelor of Nursing Study Program Binawan University Bachelor of Social Affairs Study Program Aerospace Nursing Academy Prof. Vocational School DR. Mustopo Bogor Jakarta I Ministry of Health Polytechnic Pelita Husada Vocational School Rafflesia Health Stickers STIKes Sint Carolus Jakarta Pertamedika Health STIKes STIKes Bani Saleh gunadarma University STIKes Horizon Karawang Human Ecology Fact, Bogor Agricultural Institute STIK General Achmad Yani Cimahi Abditama Scholar University FIK STIKes Syedza Saintika Padang Tanjungpinang Health Polytechnic Surakarta Health Polytechnic Akper Fatmawati Pangkalpinang Health Polytechnic Faculty of Medicine, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University of Indonesia Faculty of Nursing Akper Tana Toraya Dharma Husada Cirebon Academy De La Salle Catholic University Manado Husada Hospital Health STIKes Pancasila University Psychology Faculty STIKes Indramayu Akper RS PGI Cikini Jakarta Akper Nabila Padang Panjang Akper Keris Husada STIKes Jayakarta Esa Unggul University, Department of Nutrition YARSI University Faculty of Psychology STIKIM Jakarta Jakarta III Health Polytechnic STIKES Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital Ibn Khaldun University Tasikmalaya Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Tasik Nursing Department Tasikmalaya Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Cirebon Nursing Department Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 2 Department of Nutrition Dwi Putri Husada Vocational School TRI PARTIT, FK Padjadjaran University, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung and RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi Pakuan University Bogor Syiah Kuala University Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University Prof DR. UHAMKA Palembang Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Department of Nutrition Jakarta II Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Kesling Budi Luhur Cimahi Health STIKes Bandung Ministry of Health Polytechnic Tripartite RSJMM, TNI AL Hospital dr. Mintohsrjo, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University Kep Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University, Jakarta Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University, Banjarmasin Bogor Pharmacy Vocational School Bogor Agricultural Institute Vocational School University of Indonesia OT Vocational Bandung Islamic University Postgraduate Program National University Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University Pasar Rebo Akper Jakarta Tripartite, FK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, RSUP Fatmawati, RSJMM ISTN Faculty of Pharmacy Akper Al-Ikhlas Bogor Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto Akper RSP TNI AU Jakarta Family Partner STIKes Public health center Independent Health Center Gang Kelor Community Health Center Banjarsari Community Health Center, Bogor Regency Etc Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Regional Development Bank of West Java and Banten, Tbk Mr Tuloh Joint Business Cooperative PT. Mata Aer Makmurindo PT. Eternal Seera Paradise PT. Mata Aer Makmurindo PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT. Asa Persada Indah Persada PT. VMs. Indonesia PT. Kay Ocean Indonesia PT. Ilona Terang Sejahtera Sensitive Association KDS G-Life Support Female Plus Society Positive Living Foundation Agape Ministry Foundation Majlis Ta'lim Al Gifari IPB Nafiri Kasih Church Ministry Bogor Strategic Studies Institute Foundation Global Mental Care Foundation PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk BPJS Health Bogor Branch PT. Prabumas Arta Mulia PT Abadinusa Usaha Semesta Kimia Farma Pharmacy Bogor City Blood Transfusion Unit Bogor Regency Blood Transfusion Unit PT. Prodia Widyahusada.Tbk PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Bogor City Government/ Disdukcapil Bogor City Population Control and Family Planning Service AIDS Control Commission K
SISRUTE (Integrated Hospital Referral System) is a referral process between health service facilities using internet-based information technology that can link patient data from a lower service level to a higher service level or vice versa and to the same level (horizontal or vertical) with the aim of simplifying and speeding up the process patient referral. For health service facilities who want to refer to Dr. Mental Hospital. H. Marzoeki Mahdi, can use the Integrated Referral System (SISRUTE) which has been provided by the Ministry of Health, by choosing dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi in the referral destination health facility column.