Severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia present challenges for mental health professionals and also mental hospitals that treat these patients, because the manifestation of psychotic symptoms and cognitive disorders interfere with life functions and cause disability for sufferers who experience mental health problems. Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital as the National Mental Health Center and as the coordinator of mental health services has a psychosocial rehabilitation installation.
Psychosocial rehabilitation is a service for restoring and improving the patient's mental health so that the patient's quality of life and independence can be improved. In general, this service aims to increase the patient's knowledge and skills, so that they are able to live independently and have the confidence to return to society. The Psychosocial Rehabilitation programs include:
Interventions that combine educational techniques and psychotherapy, aim to:
– increase patient and family knowledge about the disease and its management
– building a support system between patients, between families, patients and professional service providers
–improve skills for communication, problem solving, and managing symptoms.
Case Management
Case management is a model of psychiatric care in which a case manager coordinates and ensures that the needs of people with mental disorders are met effectively and efficiently.
Social Skills Practice
Social skills training is a therapy that aims to:
–form specific behavior, initiative, to be able to interact with other people
–form positive behavior according to the social context
– avoid behavior that is not liked by the environment,
– have the ability to solve problems (understand the situation, react appropriately, generate alternative solutions, and consider the possibilities that occur).
Life Skills Practice
Various forms of basic life skills training, such as personal hygiene, making up, cleaning the room/house, preparing the dining table, making the bed, etc.
Cognitive Remediation
Cognitive remediation is therapy to increase and improve cognitive functions such as: focus/attention, concentration, memory, problem solving, verbal fluency, etc.
Occupational and Vocational Therapy
A form of therapy that gives people with mental disorders job skills so they can function, be independent, and be productive in society
Occupational and vocational therapy provided: culinary arts, gardening, gardening, salted egg making, pottery making, flannel handicrafts, embroidery handicrafts, art therapy (colouring, drawing, painting, etc.)
Therapeutic Community
Therapeutic community is a form of group therapy carried out for patients, families and the community to have a good understanding and insight into mental health. The community fostered by Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital is
–Indonesian Schizophrenia Care Community Simpul Bogor
–Bipolar Care Indonesia Bogor node
–Day Care Family Community
Rehab Day
Rehab day is a monthly event held to integrate and implement the therapies and exercises already undertaken. This activity is carried out in the form of a bazaar (patients and families), art performances, music corners, competitions, watching together, and recreation.
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